
Learn to pronounce bus·y

having a great deal to do.
"he had been too busy to enjoy himself"
synonyms: occupied (in), engaged in, involved in, employed in, working at, laboring at, toiling at, slaving at, hard at work (on), wrapped up (in/with), rushed off one's feet (with), hard-pressed, time-poor, at work (on), on the job, absorbed in, engrossed in, immersed in, preoccupied with, active (in), lively, industrious, bustling, energetic, tireless, busy as a bee, on the go, hard at it, on the hop, have one's hands full

keep occupied.
"she busied herself with her new home"
synonyms: occupy, involve, engage, concern, employ, absorb, engross, immerse, preoccupy, interest, entertain, distract, divert, amuse, beguile

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8 days ago · busy chiefly stresses activity as opposed to idleness or leisure. too busy to spend time with the children.
adjective · actively or fully engaged; occupied · crowded with or characterized by activity. a busy day · (of a room, telephone line, etc) in use; engaged.
busy adjective (WITH PATTERNS). disapproving. having too much decoration or too many colors: The jacket was a little too busy for my tastes - I'd prefer ...
adjective · idle · unemployed · inactive · unoccupied · free · unbusy · sleepy · quiescent · dormant · lifeless.
When you're busy, you have things to do. You're occupied and probably not bored.
Busy means actively employed, temporarily or habitually: a busy official. Diligent suggests earnest and constant effort or application, and usually connotes ...
Adjective change ... If you are busy, you are doing something and not available to do something else. ... If a time is busy, there is little or no time to rest ...
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busybusy is the top-ranked GPS time tracking software by office staff and field employees. busybusy provides everything you need, including unlimited photo ...
Busy from www.collinsdictionary.com
busy means actively employed, temporarily or habitually: a busy official. diligent suggests earnest and constant effort or application, and usually connotes ...